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Chefs' opinions on seafood country origins sustainability and labeling

James Griffin, an associate professor of culinary studies at Johnson & Wales University, will share findings from a recent national study on seafood sustainability in commercial foodservice. The study investigated where chefs get their information on sustainability, as well as their opinions of countries of origin and labeling. Griffin’s research suggests that chefs rely more than ever on vendors or suppliers to assure the seafood they purchase is sustainable, in part due to the complexity of seafood sustainability across multiple species and the lack of a consistent definition for what sustainability means when it comes to seafood.

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Is a Meta-Collaboration for the Seafood Industry the Answer?

Speakers: Tom Pickerell, Executive Director - Global Tuna Alliance, Martin Exel, Managing Director - SeaBOS, Sam Grimley, Executive Director - Sea Pact, Rob Johnson, Founder/President - Blue Bridge Consulting, Helen Packer, Lead, Seafood Stewardship Index - World Benchmarking Alliance, Andrea Weber, Vice President Corporate Responsibility - METRO AG, Herman Wisse, Executive Director - Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI)

"Initiative overload" is commonly heard in seafood circles. There remains a plethora of issues that companies face in ensuring the seafood they sell meets environmental and social responsibility standards, and many programs and tools exist to assist. It feels that may be close to saturation point; feedback from companies supports this and we are at risk of overwhelming those companies looking to make changes. An alternative approach may be to increase collaboration via a 'meta-collaboration' whereby economies of scale can be employed, redundancies eliminated and companies can engage in a more holistic approach. This session explores how such a meta-collaboration could be developed, demonstrates worked examples where a meta-collaboration has been used, seeks feedback from interested companies and offers a new approach to improving seafood sustainability.

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Understanding the MSC Fisheries Standard Version 3.0

Understanding the MSC Fisheries Standard Version 3.0

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Asia rising: Discovering seafood trends and opportunities beyond the headlines

The seafood industry in Asia is undergoing a sea change as the continent gains in international prominence. Traditional seafood powers China and Thailand are losing grip on their dominant positions in the marketplace and upstarts including India, Vietnam and Indonesia are gaining market share. Meanwhile, a host of challenges have arisen that threaten to derail the continent’s rise. Join SeafoodSource contributing editors Mark Godfrey, who reports from Beijing, China and Chris Loew, who reports from Osaka, Japan, as they analyze the latest news and trends from Asia and offer predictions for the future of the continent’s seafood industry.

Companies that want to enter and grow in the Asian seafood market attend and exhibit at Seafood Expo Asia, the premium seafood marketplace for Asia. The 7th edition will be taking place 6-8 September 2016 in Wanchai, Hong Kong.

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Social Issues in the Global Tuna Supply Chain

Social issues in the tuna supply chain are at the forefront of discussions about sustainability in the seafood industry, and increasing attention is being paid to working conditions both in tuna processing and within the purse-seiner fleet.

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The State of the Aquaculture Feed Sector in 2022

The State of the Aquaculture Feed Sector in 2022

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Looking ahead to Lent: Strategies for suppliers and buyers

Lent may not be until the first quarter of 2016, but the smart seafood industry exec knows the time for buying and planning for one of seafood's busiest seasons is now. In this webinar, we'll talk about what's going to be hot this season, and cover some general tips for making the season a success for your seafood business.

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Leading Seafood Traceability Platforms Just Got Interoperable: Find Out How and Why!

Leading Seafood Traceability Platforms Just Got Interoperable: Find Out How and Why!

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Exploring Pew's Global Campaign to End Illegal Fishing

Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing has been recently brought to a new level of public awareness, with retailers and seafood buyers realizing their purchasing power to influence policies that ensure the fish they trade in is legally sourced.

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