Harvest Strategies 2024: What to Expect from the Tuna RFMOs This Year
A long-term shift from single species management to science-based harvest strategies at the tuna regional fisheries management organizations (tRFMOs) is well underway. Recent years have seen governments agree to these pre-agreed management frameworks for major tuna fisheries, including bluefin, bigeye, and albacore tunas across the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans.
Harvest strategies help ensure sustainability of stocks, and in turn, stability of the seafood market. Now, it’s time for RFMOs to continue development for the rest of the major tunas and to begin adopting harvest strategies for some of the non-tunas, like swordfish, in their purview. Speakers include Dan Fu, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Secretariat, Juan Valero, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Secretariat, Camille Manel, International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas Executive, James Larcombe, Australia's lead scientist at WCPFC, and Shana Miller, The Ocean Foundation International Fisheries Conservation project.
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