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The Rapidly Changing Future of Selling Seafood at Retail

The Rapidly Changing Future of Selling Seafood at Retail

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How Do We Increase Consumption in the U.S.– Is It Time to Revisit the Idea of a National Seafood Council?

How Do We Increase Consumption in the U.S.– Is It Time to Revisit the Idea of a National Seafood Council?

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The State of FIPs in 2020–A Briefing for Seafood Businesses

The State of FIPs in 2020–A Briefing for Seafood Businesses

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Special Shrimp, Special Markets: Inside Gava Foods’ Quest to Build a Panamanian Wild Shrimp Brand

Special Shrimp, Special Markets: Inside Gava Foods’ Quest to Build a Panamanian Wild Shrimp Brand

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A Look Inside the Fast-Growing Cod-Farming Industry

A Look Inside the Fast-Growing Cod-Farming Industry

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Securing a sustainable future – technological advances in seafood digitalization

Securing a sustainable future – technological advances in seafood digitalization

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Reframing the Sustainable Seafood Narrative by Shifting to a "Whole Chain" Perspective

Reframing the Sustainable Seafood Narrative by Shifting to a "Whole Chain" Perspective

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The Strategy Behind Sustainable Seafood Philanthropy – A Briefing for Industry from the Packard and Walton Family Foundations

The Strategy Behind Sustainable Seafood Philanthropy – A Briefing for Industry from the Packard and Walton Family Foundations

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NOAA's Plans To Ensure Resilient Marine Fisheries and Strengthen the U.S. Seafood Industry

Kate Naughten, NOAA Fisheries

Danielle Blacklock, NOAA
Alexa Cole, NOAA
Janet Coit, NOAA
Paul Doremus, NOAA
Rick Spinrad, NOAA

NOAA Fisheries works closely with fishing and seafood stakeholders to ensure resilient marine fisheries in the U.S. and to strengthen the seafood industry. Ultimately, our goals include expanding domestic seafood supply, leveling the playing field on trade, and modernizing policies and infrastructure for a more efficient seafood supply chain. During this session, participants will hear from NOAA leadership about the agency’s top priorities under the Biden-Harris Administration, including supporting economic and environmental resiliency of our coastal communities by providing the seafood industry with the critical resources needed for generating greater demand for U.S. seafood.

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Seafood and Human Health: The Science Behind Increasing Consumption Sustainably

Seafood and Human Health: The Science Behind Increasing Consumption Sustainably

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