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Women in the Seafood Industry: Gender on the Agenda

WSI, the International Association for Women in the Seafood Industry, is a not-for-profit organization created in 2016 by seafood professionals and gender specialists. The primary purpose of WSI is to highlight women’s contributions in the seafood industry, to raise awareness of gender issues, and to promote greater diversity and inclusiveness. 

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How to Build a Rock Star Consumer Brand

Speakers: Carol Ortenberg, NOSH / BevNET; Poorvi Patodia, Biena Snacks; Ken Plasse, Fishpeople; Kate Weiler, Drink Simple

The seafood industry has historically been very supply driven. But today’s consumer doesn’t want to be “sold” on what they need or engage in a one-way transaction with a company. Instead, they want to belong to a brand. In this panel, hear from experts in the natural foods and meal-kit world who have built successful, fast-growth, venture-backed businesses that are solving unmet consumer needs and building long-lasting relationships to help fuel future company growth. The aim of the panel is to give attendees a better understanding of how to meaningfully market to millennials and lessons on building an enduring brand that will drive company value and growth. Panelists will present examples of successful marketing programs, consumer research findings, and actionable suggestions. They will engage the audience with mobile polling along the way. The goal is for half the session (or more!) to be left for audience to ask questions.

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Complete digital ticket: Seafood Expo North America 2022 (28 video package)

Access all twenty eight available Seafood Expo North America 2022 conference session videos.

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How the Executive Order on Seafood Expands U.S. Aquaculture Opportunities

How the Executive Order on Seafood Expands U.S. Aquaculture Opportunities

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Top 25 North American Seafood Suppliers, Volume 2

Produced by SeafoodSource editors, this comprehensive eBook takes a more in-depth look at the firms that made the list of Top 25 North American Seafood Suppliers in 2015.


Launch of Seafood Map: Global Industry Program to Accelerate Sustainable Seafood

Launch of Seafood Map: Global Industry Program to Accelerate Sustainable Seafood

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Let's play nice: GAA's approach to advancing responsible aquaculture

Aquaculture is projected to represent 62 percent of human seafood consumption by 2030, which means that an additional 40 million metric tons of farmed seafood must be produced to quench the world’s appetite for fish. However, aquaculture faces some major challenges if it's to grow in a responsible manner. For this webinar, the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s Steven Hedlund and Molly Jacques will discuss how to tackle the three biggest challenges impeding aquaculture’s growth – animal disease management, fair treatment of workers, and consumer awareness – as well as the GAA’s approach to responsible aquaculture. Attendees can expect to gain a better understanding of third-party aquaculture certification and the pre-competitive activities that organizations and businesses can get involved in to advance the responsible aquaculture movement.

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The good the bad and the ugly: Brexit and the future of the U.K.'s fisheries

In June 2016, voters in the United Kingdom approved a referendum removing the country from the European Union. The British exit - or Brexit - from the E.U. will have a wide-reaching impact on the seafood industry. In this webinar, SeafoodSource Contributing Editor Jason Holland and Scottish Fisherman's Federation Chief Executive Bertie Armstrong will give an overview on the basics of Brexit, explore the opportunities and drawbacks of the decision, and offer insight and predictions on what comes next for the U.K.'s fishing and seafood industries. 

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Exploring the 2022 Power of Seafood report with FMI – The Food Industry Association

Exploring the 2022 Power of Seafood report with FMI – The Food Industry Association



Breaking the chains: How to avoid human trafficking in the seafood supply chain

It's been a year since Thailand dropped to Tier 3 on the U.S. State Department's Trafficking In Persons Report, in part due to the country's lack of controlling the ongoing problem of human trafficking in the fishing industry. What's changed? Have things improved? Recent media reports show the problem still exists, and importers at the other end of the supply chain need to consider their options to prevent being connected to this kind of behavior. In this webinar, we'll talk about just what importers can do to safeguard their seafood supply chains.

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