Japan’s New Countermeasure Against IUU Fishing
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NOTE: session is presented in Japanese (English subtitles are not available)
Session lead: Aiko Yamauchi, Anti-IUU Forum Japan Coordinator
Panelists: Wakao Hanaoka; Momoko Abe; Yukiko Kuwata
Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing conducted without compliance with domestic and international regulations is a major global challenge that needs to be eradicated as a threat to the sustainable use of marine resources and the conservation of marine ecosystems. While major markets such as the EU and the United States are actively working to regulate IUU imports and ensure traceability, Japan’s Fisheries Agency began deliberations on the establishment of a legal framework for a catch documentation system to counter IUU fishing and other measures.
The member organizations of the Anti-IUU Forum Japan have formulated the “Joint Proposal for the Prevention of Imports and Distribution of IUU Fishery Products in the Domestic Market” as a proposal to make the system to be introduced in Japan more effective in eradicating IUU fishing and preventing the distribution of IUU fishery products in the Japanese market, and also to link it to the growth of Japan’s fishing industry.
In this session, the member organizations of the Anti-IUU Forum Japan provide the latest progress in Japan and discuss the current state of Japan’s countermeasures against IUU fishing as well as scopes of establishing the framework and system that comply with the Japanese market’s demand while meeting the global standard.
This presentation was a part of the Seafood2030 Virtual Sustainability Forum | Aligning Industry and Government Sustainability Efforts, which took place from 9-10 September 2020. For more information on Seafood2030 and/or to access additional program content, visit SeafoodSource.com/Seafood2030.